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Software So­lu­tions

Competence and reliability for SMEs, municipalities, cities and power companies

Your partner for a leading in­dustry-spe­cific software so­lution

The leading Abacus partner in Switzerland

Abacus is ERP software that was developed by the Swiss company Abacus Research AG in St. Gallen. It can be used for a variety of purposes. Since the day Abacus was developed in 1985, OBT has been one of its leading distribution partners, and as a result, we were granted the coveted Gold Partner status years ago.

in­no­solvci­ty/in­no­sol­ven­ergy - products for any and all types of gov­ernment so­lu­tions

nest is an acronym for “New Software Technologie Gemeinden GmbH”. It is a joint undertaking by the companies innosolv AG in St. Gallen and KMS AG in Kriens. nest develops and manages software for the public sector (cantons, cities, municipalities and utilities).

is-e is a solution created by innosolv and is specialised in the needs of power companies (hence the ‘e’ in its name) and the public sector. is-e can be seamlessly integrated into the nest suite of products as both providers are compatible because they are partner companies. When both applications are used together, they achieve the optimum cost-benefit factor.

BI/MIS Business In­tel­li­gence and OBT data hub – working ef­fi­ciently with the right tools

OBT provides companies from a host of different industries with advice to successfully design, optimise and manage business processes and interface management by deploying the proper IT solutions.

Business intelligence (BI) means using methods, procedures and tools to analytically prepare and visualise the information that is relevant for managing the company with the aim of optimising and improving the company’s performance. BI covers a broad spectrum of various disciplines.

The data hub is one of the web applications that OBT has developed for the organised and automated processing of interface data (import/export) between different applications. All transactions using Abacus are processed via web services. The data are converted in the data hub, and all transactions are written to the MySQL database for traceability purposes. All interfaces can be manually started via the web links at any time. It’s also easy to manually trigger the various interfaces at specific times.